Sunday, October 28, 2012

Awk! Samonella and Surgery!

Upon returning from our cruise within a week I was in the hospital sicker than I have ever been in my life...diagnosis:  Salmonella food poisoning.  Each doctor I saw asked, "Have you been traveling?"
I was admitted on Tuesday evening
and went home on Thursday evening.
Short stay, but thank goodness for modern medicine!!!!

Our friend and Sister who helps in the Mission Office fell and broke her hip.
She also had the opportunity to experience the Finnish medical system.
She had surgery and was in the hospital for two weeks.
The first thing she said when the accident happened was,
"I am not going home!" We call her our Iron Lady...
She has recuperated and is doing great!

Doesn't the saying go like this, "what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger!"  We are both stronger!

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